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a not-so domestic goddess,
mean mom & dog lover
As a child, I dreamed of two things: becoming a Dairy Queen counter lady and a writer. I never went to work for DQ, but I have been writing stories and eating their dip cones for a very long time.
​At 46, I am a not-so domestic goddess. I feel completely unprepared to be a wife and mother. I don’t like to clean, I am a lousy cook and I am hopelessly disorganized. Living in a world that constantly reminds me that I should have gotten my stuff together a long time ago takes a toll on a girl, even a goddess such as myself. This site chronicles my epic battles fighting grime and insecurity, and all the heartbreak and magic in between.
I love babies and dogs, cold beer, books, old country music, the ocean and all things ’80's. I am more than a little obsessed with British murder mysteries.
​As a newspaper columnist, I have the greatest job in the world. I cannot believe I actually get paid to give people my unsolicited opinions regarding womanhood in the 21st Century. Sometimes, groups even ask me to come speak about my experiences, and that's a pretty sweet gig, too!
​If I could tell you one thing sweet friends, it is this: dreams do come true, but they don't always look like you thought they would. The only thing that always looks like it’s supposed to is a mint Oreo Blizzard – especially when it’s held upside down.
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