by EB Nesbitt, guest blogger

EB Nesbitt
Cue the “Leave it to Beaver” soundtrack.
It’s that beautiful time of year again! Windows are opening to let fresh breezes in. Trees are beginning to bloom and the daffodils are tall and golden on the church lawn. Women everywhere are cleaning closets, freshening their linens and putting up Easter decorations. We are watching HGTV to get ideas for kitchen re-dos and Pinning Ikea’s latest organization ideas. Spring has sprung!
But here in the real world, real moms are just trying to hang on. We’re comparing ourselves to TV moms, falling short and saying it’s ALL OK! This is how real life in a real house with real kids and no staff looks sometimes.
Presenting the Art shower vs. the Reality shower. Which one wins at your house? Don’t miss tomorrow’s installment!

House beautiful vs. House real life
About EB: She’s real. She’s a mom. She’s awesome. And she’s a serious potty mouth. You can follow her on Twitter at @echobravo72.