In our final installment of EB Nesbitt’s tribute to Spring cleaning, we waned to show you how real moms are keeping their kitchens organized and spotless. EB has even tackled everyone’s sore spot, the Tupperware cabinet.
Presenting the Art kitchen vs. the Reality kitchen. #FUHGTV
EB Nesbitt
About EB: She’s real. She’s a mom. She’s awesome. And she’s a serious potty mouth. My kind of girl! You can follow her on Twitter at @echobravo72.
#FUGHTV. On the right, what an ACTUAL kitchen cabinet looks like! Good Enough Housekeeping!
Shine those sinks, ladies! EB’s kitchen has all the right ingredients! Note the purse and groceries dropped in the floor because she just could not get one step farther with her arms full and a kid clinging to her? This is a real kitchen!